13 Sep 2017
Daily news digest
1. Yerevan hostage crisis court trial postponed due to attorneys’ strike
2. Estera Mkrtumyan appointed Armenian Ambassador to Uruguay, Chile and Peru
3. Young woman body found dead inside Armenia hydroelectric power plant reservoir

1. Yerevan hostage crisis court trial postponed due to attorneys’ strike
2. Estera Mkrtumyan appointed Armenian Ambassador to Uruguay, Chile and Peru
3. Young woman body found dead inside Armenia hydroelectric power plant reservoir
4. Ukraine may not extradite Saakashvili to Georgia; Deputy minister of Justice of Georgia
5. Saakashvili announces about meeting in Chernivtsi
6. IS-linked terrorist arrested in Iran
7. US Supreme Court allows Trump's broad refugee ban
8. Israel endorses independent Kurdish state
9. Germany mulls adding Turkey to list of states posing high security risk
10. Islamic State transfers money to European countries; Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
11. Hundreds of ISIS defectors mass on Syrian border hoping to flee